Julius Caesar has conquered Egypt and decides to
journey to this corner of his empire. He approaches the Sphinx
on foot appearing as a humble statesman and is not recognized as the
great Emperor. He addresses it and is overheard by Cleopatra who
doesn't know who he is. He plays up the mistake, so that later
she is shocked to find out he is the mighty Caesar. He is very
paternal toward the beautiful Queen and would like a more intimate
relationship, but her heart belongs to Marc Antony.
meets with King Ptolemy, Theodotus (his tutor), and others of his
council. He learns that Lucius (Lovell) has slain Pompey his
rival. Cleopatra is agonizing over the fact that her world has
fallen into the hands of the mighty Romans and that she has been
ousted from power by Ptolemy who is her younger brother and her
Caesar and his army are under siege as an offensive
is mounted by the forces of Ptolemy trying to take the lighthouse at
Alexandria. Pothinus is held as a prisoner, while Theodotus is
dismayed by the burning of the great library and released.
Cleopatra is rolled in a Persian rug and smuggled into the
lighthouse by Apollonius to be near Caesar. Cleopatra orders
Ftatateeta to kill Pothinus. She has crossed Caesar and he
will not protect her any further. Ftatateeta is slain by Rufio
for her part in the killing. The rebellion is crushed.
Caesar will return triumphant to Rome, but Cleopatra
does not want to leave her land. She strikes a deal with
Caesar that if he spares her son, she will accompany him to Rome.
He places a guard on her fearing she may flee. She breaks the
promise once he has left and summons her servant to prepare her some
fruit to eat for the journey. She places her hand in a basket
full of figs, but it has a snake in it that kills her. Caesar
is furious that she has been left alone and mourns her death.